Elements You Should Take Care of before Constructing A Fence
Fencing is one of the most important structures you need for your home. It plays a critical role in enhancing the curb appeal of your home. In addition, it enhances much-needed security and privacy. Even so, there are several factors that you need to note as you prepare to build or install a fence. Understanding these aspects enables you to avoid DIY mistakes that will likely cost you later in repairs or replacements. Here are four vital tips you should apply during the project's planning, design, and installation phases:
Confirm the Property Boundaries
A key step before you embark on the project is to determine the boundaries of your property. If you have any doubt about the borders, it is wise to engage the services of a professional surveyor to help ascertain your property's boundaries. In addition, you must discuss your plans to fence your home with your neighbor to ensure that any boundary issues get resolved before fencing begins. Otherwise, they may raise disputes, e.g., that the structure is encroaching on their land, which could require a reconstruction of the entire fence.
Mix Different Types of Materials
Experts recommend using more than one fencing material if it is financially viable because different sections of your property have different needs. For instance, you can install a wood picket fence in front of your house and then connect it to a chain link fence in the backyard. In addition to serving different needs, the installation cost may reduce significantly when you combine different materials. Besides these benefits, the different materials help enhance your property's aesthetic appeal when professionally installed.
Consider the Maintenance Aspect
When choosing your fencing materials, carefully consider their lifespan and the care and maintenance each material needs to remain effective. For example, if you go for a wood fence, the expert will likely recommend sealing or staining the fence as part of the care regimen. They may also advise you on how to deal with rotting and warping. Armed with this information, the specialist may recommend materials such as steel, bamboo, vinyl, or aluminum if you're looking for a material requiring less maintenance.
Position it Accurately
Before you begin the installation, you should know what direction the fence needs to face. For example, for a backyard fence, the standard requirement calls for the smooth and finished side of the structure to face your neighbor. Thus, the side that has rails and posts should face inside your property. These standards enable you to reap the aesthetic benefits of your fencing.
Applying these essential fencing pro-tips can help prevent costly errors. Nonetheless, it is best to engage the service of a professional fencing contractor with the training, qualifications, and experience to perform the task for you.